For teachers around the world
Categories: Delivering career guidance (1) For employers (20) For parents (19) For students (44) For teachers around the world (35) For UK teachers (56) For universities (12) News & culture (27)
Counselor spotlight: Augusto Neto at St. Paul's School, Brazil
8th January 2024
Unifrog is used by students and counselors in over 800 international schools across 110 countries. Today we take a moment to celebrate our dedicated counselors all over the world... Read more >
Unifrog World of Work Conference round-up
9th November 2023
In October 2023, we hosted our World of Work Conference in Birmingham to connect teachers and advisors with employers to talk about work experience and apprenticeship opportunities for students... Read more >
10 years of Unifrog
6th November 2023
From humble beginnings as a simple tool to help students choose universities for UCAS and compare apprenticeships, to becoming the universal destinations platform , Unifrog has come a long way in 10 years... Read more >
Making global connections: Unifrog’s first speed networking event for counselors and HE
23rd August 2023
This summer, Unifrog hosted its first ever speed networking event for counselors and universities around the world. Here’s what happened… Why networking? Teachers and counselors rarely get the opportunity to speak directly with international universities on behalf of their students... Read more >
How two colleges in the North West reversed the trend
27th July 2023
Unifrog colleges are creating more opportunities for disadvantaged students than ever before. The story For the first time ever, Unifrog colleges in the North West of England are reversing the shortlisting gap... Read more >
Making an impact: Unifrog's outreach work in Africa
11th July 2023
Hannah White, International Partnerships Lead at Unifrog , tells us about two school communities in Africa who’ve been using Unifrog to grow their students’ potential... Read more >
The new UCAS references: what’s changing, and how to draft and manage them on Unifrog
15th June 2023
Here’s how we’ve changed the Unifrog References tools to accommodate the changes that UCAS is making. Our tools make it easy for class teachers to give their input... Read more >
ChatGPT, AI, and university admissions essays: insights from schools
10th May 2023
“ChatGPT can help school students with university and job applications, apprenticeships, and CV creation by providing guidance, tips, and suggestions based on their interests and qualifications... Read more >

Unifrog’s SEL and PSHE Lesson Pack: FAQs
18th April 2023
Our new whole-school SEL and PSHE Pack makes it easy for you to meet the CASEL competencies and the ISCA objectives, as well as the UK government's objectives for PSHE that are relevant to an international audience... Read more >
An overview of the Unifrog platform
16th March 2023
On Unifrog, teachers and students have different types of accounts, and can do different things. This guide explains who can do what! Open the platform map as a pdf here ... Read more >

How to... make the most out of Unifrog (international schools)
20th February 2023
Here are the five tactics to make the most out of Unifrog. .. Read more >

Psychometric testing at Unifrog: FAQs
27th January 2023
Psychometric testing is one of the ways Unifrog supports your students to find the best post-school destinations for them. Here are some of the most common questions you’ve asked us about how Unifrog’s psychometric testing works, and how you and your students can benefit... Read more >
Unifrog's integration with the Common App and Parchment: What is it?
5th December 2022
Unifrog's integration with the Common App and Parchment is currently helping over 150 schools around the world. Between September and November 2022, over 2,000 students connected their Common App account with Unifrog, and over 5,000 counselor documents were safely submitted... Read more >
Distance learning case studies: a careers professional's perspective
30th April 2020
We spoke to Janet Colledge, Chief Education Consultant at Outstanding Careers and also Education Director of National Careers Week, for her expert advice on how to make sure students continue to receive one-to-one careers guidance while schools are closed... Read more >
Ask an expert: Interactions tool & Gatsby Benchmarks
4th October 2019
We chat to Unifrog Area Manager Uk Education Lead, Charley Fowler, about making the most of Unifrog's Interactions tool. What is the Unifrog Interactions tool? The Unifrog Interactions tool is a tool for both students and teachers... Read more >
Introducing Unifrog themed weeks
5th September 2019
Here at Unifrog HQ, we’ve been busy putting together a programme of themed weeks which we hope you’re going to be as excited about as we are! What are themed weeks? Drawing on the findings from our recent Horizons report and from speaking to teachers and careers counselors at partner schools, we’ve chosen six important issues surrounding careers education that matter to you... Read more >
The Counsellor Letter of Recommendation: how to get the recommendation you need
26th June 2017
The goal of this type of recommendation The Counselor’s Letter of Recommendation should describe the student ‘in the round’, featuring evidence of things the student has done both inside and outside of the classroom... Read more >
Should you encourage school leavers to go to University?
4th April 2017
Sylvia Nankivell explores the pros and cons of encouraging students to go to university. The big question in the heads of many school leavers is “should I go to university?” With increased tuition fees, the normalisation of undergraduate degrees and a financially turbulent job market, the decision is no longer a simple one... Read more >
We now do Destinations Tracking!
14th March 2017
Alex Kelly, Director at Unifrog, shares news of our Destinations tool. For the last two years we’ve been working on a destinations tracking tool. It’s by far the biggest and most exciting thing we’ve ever done at Unifrog... Read more >
A student's perspective on the benefits of Unifrog
21st October 2016
Natalya McCormick, a Year 12 student at Teddington School, Middlesex, shares their first impressions of Unifrog at a student launch. On Wednesday 10 October all of Year 12 was given an introduction into the useful website Unifrog... Read more >
Five ways to boost your students' employability
8th May 2016
Another piece from guest blogger Liz Ponsford from Careers Unlimited on what schools can do to improve students' chances of getting a good job... Read more >
Are your students happy? What can you do about it?
3rd May 2016
Our guest blogger Liz Ponsford from Careers Unlimited has been thinking about what we can be doing to make sure our young people are happy. Are your students happy? If not, what can you do to help them? English children were 14th out of 15 countries surveyed for happiness in the 2015 Good Childhood Report, with numbers reporting low levels of life satisfaction highest around exam age: 16-17... Read more >
The effects of a winning personality
14th April 2016
Unifrog Area Manager, Nick Weir, writes about the magic personality factor and its importance in the hunt for a good career. It is largely accepted that to get the best jobs, you need the best grades... Read more >
Exploring alternative routes to gaining a degree
11th April 2016
Independent careers adviser Liz Ponsford outlines some alternatives to degrees so you feel confident to advise your students. At a time when students are increasingly concerned about the costs of going to university and the competitiveness of the graduate jobs market, it's worth researching alternative ways to gain a Higher Education qualification... Read more >
Five pieces of careers advice to NOT give your students
5th April 2016
Liz Ponsford, an independent careers adviser, shares her expertise in this blog mini-series. Here's her first article on the careers advice not to give to your students… 1... Read more >
Soft Skills in Schools
29th February 2016
Unifrog Area Manager Matt Jones shares his thoughts on why learning soft skills in school matters for building students job prospects post-16. In times gone by professional qualifications – so called 'hard skills' – seemed to be far and away the major factor for employers in choosing graduates and school leavers... Read more >
Advising students on choosing a university course: Business
24th April 2014
Business subjects are amongst the most popular fields of study at university. Why is this? Well, the term ‘business’ can cover a large spectrum of subjects and careers, and generally courses is this area deal with many aspects of modern human societies – so there is something to interest everyone... Read more >
Picking a winner: How to spot organisations & interventions that will be a good fit for your school
21st April 2014
Michael Lewis’ ‘Moneyball’ tells the story of how, in 2002, the Oakland Athletics baseball team used their comparatively limited $41 million salary budget to purchase a squad of players that went on to be competitive with larger market teams like the New York Yankees, who had spent over $125 million in payroll that same season... Read more >
Advising students on choosing a course: Engineering
1st April 2014
Any of your students interested in a degree in engineering? What should they think about before applying? Engineering graduate Mat Ward explains... If you were to tell someone in Britain that you're an engineer, they may assume that you are a car mechanic or that you repair washing machines... Read more >
Advising students on choosing a university course: English
20th March 2014
English graduate and Unifrog co-founder Alex Kelly tells us what you should encourage your students to consider when deciding where to study English... Read more >
Advising students on choosing a university course: Geography
14th March 2014
Geography is a broad subject, and the way it is taught varies greatly between different universities, and according to the choices students make once they are at university... Read more >
Advising students on choosing a university course: Architecture
6th March 2014
What should students consider when choosing where to study Architecture? Crispin Kelly, architect and former president of the Architectural Association, shares some top tips... Read more >
Advising students on choosing a university course: History
27th February 2014
History graduates leave university with a broad range of transferable skills, many of which are highly sought after by employers. Students will develop the ability to: generate and research ideas, organise material in a logical manner, and express ideas in written and oral form... Read more >
Advising students on choosing a university course: Maths
15th February 2014
A maths degree can lead to a wide range of careers, and is highly valued by employers who view it as proof of good logic, problem-solving skills and ability to work hard... Read more >
'It doesn't add up!' Statistics and the fight for equality
19th December 2013
In the autumn of 1973, the University of California at Berkeley was sued for sexism against women. This wasn’t a new accusation, and in fact at the time universities often found themselves in the midst of similar controversies, but this time, it looked like there was irrefutable proof... Read more >