Unifrog alumni Fred and Ruben
in London

Most Unifrog schools know what the platform can do, but they don’t always get to experience the impact it has on students’ lives after they’ve left school. Fred– an apprentice at Waterman Group – and Ruben – a second year student at the University of Nottingham – share their experiences as Unifrog alumni.
For Fred, the biggest challenge was deciding what to do when he left school. Unifrog’s quizzes helped lead the way by finding the kinds of jobs that suited his interests and skills. Completing the quizzes helped him work out the direction he wanted to go in, which led to his successful application to a year-long course, and to his level 6 apprenticeship at Waterman Group.
Ruben also sought help in choosing his path, using Unifrog to decide which subject to study at university. Once he’d found his dream subject, he used the guidance and tools on the platform to help him write a winning personal statement. Now, he’s looking at how his own skills and knowledge can help make a difference to someone else.
Unifrog unlocked the door to the best futures for Fred and Ruben – what can it do for your students?