Jordanhill School, Glasgow
State school in Scotland

“Unifrog have been great at keeping in touch as we roll the platform out to younger pupils, and there is always friendly help and advice available when we need it.”
Emma Jane Thomson, PT Pastoral Care
The need
“We support many young people with applications to higher education each year. We have to make sure that there is helpful, accurate guidance for the applicants and the staff supporting them.
In addition, we’ve found that traditional reference writing is not the most straightforward way of managing applications.”
The solution
“We started using Unifrog this session for its plug and play teaching resources for staff, and for the Know-how guides for students.
We stayed for the streamlined way of managing staff comments for references and predicted grades. Overall reference writers have found this makes the process much more efficient and user-friendly, saving us a lot of time and effort.”
Favourite features
“The platform is streamlined and user-friendly with clear guidance for both pupils and staff. For example, the Know-how library has a wealth of information for pupils to help them make informed decisions about their next steps.
We also love the Resources library for its huge range of ready-made lessons and resources which can be used in the classroom. They were particularly helpful at the beginning of the year to launch the platform in our school smoothly.”
What else do staff love about Unifrog?
“The process of using Skills and Activities has been easy and straightforward to access and will be ideal for tracking wider achievement for pupils. Kathryn, our account manager, has been incredibly helpful.”
“It makes the process of writing references and supporting pupils applying to college and university much more efficient and manageable.”
“Being able to detail suggestions on Personal Statements and communicate directly through Unifrog was very helpful.”
“Unifrog has been very helpful in preparing pupils for applying for jobs and interviews – the PSHE lessons are engaging and easy to teach with.”