Towers School
State school in South East UK

"I’m confident that Unifrog’s Personal Statement tool beats them all. They’ve clearly done their research, and they really understand the process from both a student’s and a teacher’s perspective"
Philip Carter, Careers and Progression Manager
The need
“I look after university course shortlisting, Personal Statement drafting, coordinating references, and I sign off each student’s application to UCAS. Before Unifrog I wanted to try to simplify the whole process, and also share some of the responsiblities for the process with my colleagues. I also wanted to fix some perenial issues, like the fact that some subject teachers responsible for writing Subject References don’t really understand what’s required of their references.
With Unifrog, we can have a range of teachers looking over one student, with some helping them to shortlist opportunities, some writing references, and others mentoring them through the Personal Statement drafting process. Not only does this mean that students receive more support, it also takes some work off me!”
Personal Statements
“In my view the Personal Statement tool is the very best out of all the tools we use. I spent a lot of time looking around to see what is available on the market, and I’m confident that Unifrog’s Personal Statement tool beats them all. They’ve clearly done their research, and they really understand the process from both a student’s and a teacher’s perspective. The basic setup for the Personal Statement tool, with the different sections, makes it much easier for students to follow, and to eventually demonstrate their full potential to universities.”
“The UK university search tool, allowing students to compare every relevant course in the whole country, is just superb. I really like the way it sorts the courses based on entry requirements versus each student’s likely academic performance. We now have students saying things like, 'this is my aspirational choice, and this is my safe choice'!"
Apprenticeship tool
“Most of our students are taking Level 3 courses, but we are now introducing an IB careers related program, and the Apprenticeships tool is particularly useful for these students. Because many students pursuing an apprenticeship prefer to stay close to home, it’s great that this tool makes it easy to narrow down search results based on the student’s location.”
“We took on Unifrog last September, and we had an Ofsted inspection in October. We were able to show the inspectors how Unifrog integrated with the work of our independent careers advisor, as well as with our partnerships with local universities. The Post 18 Intentions tool made it simple to provide evidence that we are improving our leavers’ destinations, and thankfully our Sixth Form earned a very favourable review!”
Parental engagement
“At our UCAS workshops we invited parents to see how Unifrog works. Unifrog was great in offering them a massive amount of information across its tools, without being either overwhelming or patronising. The platform helped us educate the parents so that they can sit down with their child and be a part of their application journey.”