Hampton School
Independent school in London

"Unifrog brings everything into one platform, into a centralised system that makes our lives easier"
Richard Worrallo, Senior Tutor, Head of Careers & UCAS
The need
“Our previous system for managing the university application process was on paper and was not user friendly. Students like computer based programs, where they can access it both on their laptops and on their phones. We needed something that made it easy to compare different universities and different courses, all of which is very hard to do on paper.”
The solution
“For students Unifrog compiles a lot of information on university courses - including details like what the prospects of getting a graduate level job are, the average starting salaries, what the required grades are - and marks progress for how far the student has got in the application process. Students find this detailed and live information motivational, it encourages them to keep going.
Similarly for teachers - knowing what universities want, where a particular student is at in the university application process, and the ability to read each student’s Personal Statement all on the same website where we write References - is brilliant. Unifrog brings everything into one platform, into a centralised system that makes our lives easier.”
Monitoring progress
“Unifrog helps us actively track students’ progress rather than needing to interview all the students one by one or in small groups. At a glance on Unifrog we can see exactly what the student has done so far.”
Student engagement
“Since it is easy to just log in and have all of the information at their fingertips, it encourages students to use it. And the more that their friends use it, the more a student is likely to use it as well - it’s a ripple effect.
Unifrog has also perhaps reassured students about the sorts of places they want to go. Because they have more information they are better informed during the course shortlisting process, and so once they get an offer, they feel much more focused and can envisage themselves actually becoming a student there. We’ve found that students are more positive in the last few months of their final year at school.”
Parent engagement
“Our parents are paying a lot of money and expect good results; the destination after school is very important to them. Many of our parents hope that their sons will end up in a top university. We will do anything that we, as a school, can do to get them there as smoothly as possible.
We give parents access to Unifrog which provides them with up to date and trustworthy information, and reassures them of what is going on with their son’s application process. In fact my one tip to other schools is to put on a demonstration of the platform to parents, and then give each parent a login. Our only challenge with parents was that too many were trying to log on at once! A good problem to have!”