Cheltenham Bournside School
State school in South West UK

“From a strategic point of view, it allows us to sit back and know exactly what staff and students are doing and how they’re engaging with our stable careers programme.”
Lucy Hemsley, Deputy Head of Sixth Form
Unifrog and the Gatsby Benchmarks
“Every Year 7 student up until Year 13 has a Unifrog account and are engaging with the programme. What we are seeing is that students are becoming more informed and that it enables us to achieve the Gatsby Benchmarks and ensure that students have a stable careers programme right from Year 7 until the end of their journey with us in Year 13.”
Gatsby Benchmark 4
“We are using Unifrog to achieve the Gatsby Benchmarks in a number of ways. In regards to Benchmark 4, there are two major ways that Unifrog helps us to achieve this particular benchmark. The Interactions tool is really useful and all staff have been trained how to use the tool, so that they can very easily log if there’s a particular event they are holding. The Careers & Subjects libraries are also useful for linking to labour market information and picking out curriculum areas for the things which students are interested in.”
Gatsby Benchmark 6
“We are using Unifrog to achieve Benchmark 6 with the Activities and Competencies tools. The Activities tool allows students to be able to log exactly what they’ve been doing in workplaces and the Competencies tool allows them to then build on those activities with developing their skills further.”
The benefit of the Resources Library
“All of our tutors are engaging with Unifrog on a daily basis in their tutor times. We have a careers session where they use the material in the Resources Library on Unifrog. They can pick up a powerpoint, which the careers team will direct them towards, and they’re easy to use and have the ability to deliver that session with students right from Year 7 up to Year 13.”