CloseBennie's personality profile
Your closest personality type
Like all of our personality type descriptions, this is an archetype. Depending on where you fall on each of the four scales, you might recognise yourself in more than one type - this can also change as you get older, or even depending on your mood or the situation. Also, two people with the same closest personality type can seem very different depending on things like their environment, values or interests. This description is a fun read that should encourage you to consider your skills from a new angle, and might teach you a few things about yourself - enjoy!
ISTP - P. amauensis
Super independent types, up for an adventure and good at thinking outside the box.
ISTPs are mysterious types who keep to themselves and can seem quiet and reserved, but they are also spontaneous, up for an adventure and curious about everything. They often have their own projects going on, usually making something tangible that you can touch, see or hear. They are interested in how things work, though they much prefer to figure this out for themselves rather than be told! When faced with a problem they are creative, and good at looking for solutions from all angles.
ISTPs are extremely independent, and they guard this independence fiercely. They are selective about their friendships, and in particular wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who expects them to change, or expects much of them in general. In exchange, they are equally as undemanding and accepting of the people they love. ISTPs are not the kind of people who like to have a long-standing weekly meetup with a friend, but they will say yes to a crazy last-minute project, and they are a great person to help you work out how to make your fantastical idea into a reality.
In general, ISTPs are pretty wary of getting close to people too quickly, because they don’t want expectations put on them. But as long as no one is trying to tell them what to do or criticise them, they are very relaxed and happy to let things and people be as they are. This means that though they only have a small number of close friends, they easily get on with people and enjoy meeting them, and someone who meets them in a social situation would often think of them as extraverted. If someone does try to limit their independence, however, they can get pretty stubborn and insensitive.
ISTPs are permissive and not too bothered about rules. It's far more important to them to follow the principles of fairness, and of treating others how they would like to be treated. They tend to imagine that others feel this way too, and they're always surprised when this doesn’t turn out to be the case. ISTPs regularly find that they've shocked people by voicing an unconventional opinion, because they expect that everyone is as permissive and interested in different points of view as they are. In general, ISTPs tend to be very optimistic about how things are going to turn out, even if they get proven wrong a few times!
Some unscientific illustrations of an ISTP
As an animal: An independent cat who only does what it feels like
Hates: Job interviews
Motivational poster says: Ignore the noise
On the screen: Jessica Jones
As a sport: Running
A famous ISTP is: Frida Kahlo
And... as a frog!
Frog type: P. amauensis
Character: P. amauensis is the world's smallest known frog, and was only discovered in 2012. This frog has no tadpole stage and the babies are born as miniature adults - independent right from the beginning, like an ISTP.
Way of life: Only discovered recently, not much is known about the P. amauensis frog. They appear to live solely amid leaf litter on New Guinea's rainforest floor. They’re also incredibly good jumpers - able to jump 30 times their body size.
How they’re doing: Due to their recent discovery, it’s unclear how many P. amauensis frogs there are in the world.
What you can do to help: You can make a difference. You could donate to, or raise money for, the Amphibian Survival Alliance which helps to protect amphibians all over the world.
Other close matches
Because of where you land on the four scales, you might also recognise yourself in these types.
ISTJ - Vietnamese mossy frog
Practical, organised characters who enjoy getting things done the right way.
ISTJs are independent, reserved characters with a strong sense of what is right. They take their responsibilities seriously and would never let a friend down. They are calm, honest and always keep their word. ISTJs feel extremely strongly about their friendships, but they're not always good at expressing it. They would prefer to do something helpful or enjoyable for a friend rather than have a heartfelt conversation, and since they notice little details and remember everything, they’ll often know the perfect thing they can do.
ISTJs get a lot done, and they take pride in what they do - they would never be slapdash or abandon something without finishing it. They are practical, stick to things they know will work, and rarely get distracted. They like to finish their homework well before a deadline, and they prefer to work on their own. They have sharp minds, are confident in their own abilities, and dislike having to be dependent on others. This all means that group projects are not their favourite - they’d prefer to take on the whole thing themselves rather than have to deal with others handing in work late, being sloppy, or coming up with nonsense, impractical suggestions!
Though they can take a long time to reach a decision, making sure they weigh up all the different options carefully, ISTJs are very decisive. Once they have made their choice, they feel confident it's the right one and they're unlikely to change it. They might even get frustrated if someone keeps making suggestions - they can dig their heels in and be very stubborn.
In general, ISTJs feel that they have worked out what is important and what is right, and they can feel impatient with people who behave differently. They can find it hard to accept that some people are fine with doing things like breaking rules or telling white lies, saying they’ll do something and then not doing it, or not always doing the best job that they can. ISTJs often won’t bother spending much time on these people, and they prefer to have only close friends that they respect deeply. With people they don’t appreciate, ISTJs can be a bit direct, and sometimes even insensitive.
Some unscientific illustrations of an ISTJ
As an animal: A worker bee who keeps the whole planet alive
Hates: Mess
Motivational poster says: Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments
On the screen: Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
As a sport: Ping pong
A famous ISTJ is: Natalie Portman
And... as a frog!
Frog type: Vietnamese mossy frog
Character: The Vietnamese mossy frog looks exactly like the clump of the moss it lives in - so much that it is nearly impossible to spot when still. Incredible attention to detail, just like an ISTJ.
Way of life: As its name suggests, the Vietnamese mossy frog lives in Vietnam in an area of limestone cliffs and evergreen rainforests. Vietnamese mossy frogs are active at night and will fold into a ball when frightened and play dead.
How they’re doing: Destruction of the rainforest is reducing the Vietnamese mossy frog's habitat and it's also in demand for the global pet trade.
What you can do to help: You can make a difference. You could donate to, or raise money for, the Amphibian Survival Alliance which helps to protect amphibians all over the world.
INTP - Desert rain frog
Autonomous thinkers who like to come up with new and original ideas.
INTPs are big daydreamers who question everything and come up with thoughtful, rational, unbiased opinions. They don’t like preconceived notions and are willing to re-examine everything, including rules and regulations, and they are perfectly happy to disregard those they don’t find necessary! They take pride in their originality, and like feeling unique.
INTPs are very autonomous and independent. They won’t believe something until they have checked it or thought about it carefully themselves, and they can spot inconsistencies in other people’s arguments immediately - which makes them unlikely to fall into the fake news trap, for example. They are naturally sceptical and don’t put much store in authority.
INTPs love coming up with new ideas and theories, but they often need help to make them happen. They are so willing to challenge everything that they will even question their own thoughts, and can second guess themselves into being unable to take any action. They tend to be afraid of failure, which can make them more comfortable staying in the world of ‘what ifs’ than trying to transform their plans into reality. They also get easily bored by the mundane details of carrying a plan through to the end.
They often aren’t interested in practical issues and can zone out of a discussion about day-to-day things, but when the topic at hand interests an INTP they get very enthusiastic, coming up with a million ideas and jumping around from one reflection to the next. This sometimes leads to a train of thought that is hard to follow, especially because they tend to say things before having fully thought them through. INTPs get frustrated with anyone who asks them to explain themselves and interrupts their flow, and they might shut down the conversation with a dismissive ‘never mind’.
INTPs are usually private and reserved, but when you become close to one (which isn't that easy!), you'll find them to be great, reliable friends.
Some unscientific illustrations of an INTP
As an animal: An independent, wise owl
Hates: Pointless questions
Motivational poster says: Take the road less travelled
On the screen: Chidi from The Good Place
As a sport: Bowling
A famous INTP is: Bill Gates
And... as a frog!
Frog type: Desert rain frog
Character: The Desert rain frog is the only species that can survive in the harsh environment of the South African and Namibian coasts, by burying in the sand and absorbing water directly through their translucent skin. Ingenious and distinctive, like an INTP.
Way of life: Desert rain frogs produce a high-pitched squeaking sound and puff up their bodies when provoked. They're nocturnal and spend most of the day buried in sand dunes.
How they’re doing: Desert rain frogs are threatened by habitat loss. The area they live in is already small (less than 2,000 square km) and being reduced further by diamond mining and road construction, as well as increased human settlement.
What you can do to help: You can make a difference. You could donate to, or raise money for, the Amphibian Survival Alliance which helps to protect amphibians all over the world.
INTJ - Golden poison frog
Original, strategic minds who love to be left alone with an interesting problem.
INTJs are analytical, questioning minds who enjoy getting things done. They are comfortable exploring highly theoretical ideas but not if these become unrealistic, since what they find most satisfying is turning their ideas into something concrete. This makes them great problem-solvers: they can come up with the perfect plan, and then carry it out to the end. They are effective and hard-working, and love the sensation of having cracked an issue.
INTJs really enjoy intellectual discussions and learning new things from a great teacher. They tend to have a small circle of close friends with whom they have hours-long discussions about shared interests, and they would prefer to do this once a year with a friend rather than have regular surface-level check-ins. They can get impatient with superficial interactions and social niceties.
INTJs are very clear about what traits and abilities they value, and they put lots of effort into becoming good at them. They are confident in the things they know they do well, and they are good at taking on feedback to improve without getting upset. They feel secure about what they like, and if someone they don’t care about makes fun of their hobbies, it won't have much of an impact (especially as they get older).
Consummate perfectionists, INTJs have high standards. If someone doesn’t reach them, they won’t be shy about telling them, and not always in a tactful way. Really though, they are even more likely to apply those high standards to themselves. If they feel that they have fallen short in some way, an INTJ will get extremely upset and immediately want to right the situation. Success is important to them, but they are likely to measure this internally, and not bother with what other people or society think.
INTJs are independent, and not fond of being told exactly what to do. They would much rather be presented with a problem they find interesting and be left on their own to tackle it, with no one wasting their time. In general, they find their time precious, and won’t spend it on people or things they don’t deeply enjoy or feel will improve them in some way - so don’t try talking to them about that TV show everyone’s watching!
Some unscientific illustrations of an INTJ
As an animal: A crafty, independent raven
Hates: People who persist with an argument after being proven wrong
Motivational poster says: If you chase perfection, you can achieve excellence
On the screen: Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls
As a sport: Pilates
A famous INTJ is: Michelle Obama
And... as a frog!
Frog type: Golden poison frog
Character: The Golden poison frog is one of the most toxic animals on Earth - a single frog measuring two inches has enough venom to kill ten humans. When you do something, be the best at it: an INTJ mantra.
Way of life: Golden poison frogs live in the humid forests of the Colombian coast. They’re a social animal, living in groups of up to six. They’re highly intelligent and, like all poison dart frogs, can recognise human caregivers after a few weeks.
How they’re doing: Despite being one of the most poisonous vertebrates in the world, they’re extremely vulnerable to habitat loss, caused by logging, mining, deforestation and pollution from crop spraying. Golden poison frogs live in a very restricted area and this increases their vulnerability further.
What you can do to help: You can make a difference. You could donate to, or raise money for, the Amphibian Survival Alliance which helps to protect amphibians all over the world.
Your results in detail
If you've come out as an Extravert, you will probably still identify with some aspects of an Introvert's personality, and vice versa. This is true for all four of the personality scales - no one falls entirely on one side of a scale. A common analogy is that of your dominant hand: a right-handed person can still use their left hand to do things even if it feels less natural, and it is possible to train yourself to get better with your non-dominant hand. Some people write with their left hand but play tennis right-handed, and some people are fully ambidextrous. It's the same with the four personality scales: although most people have a preference for one side of each scale, everyone uses both.
Here is where you fall on each of the four scales.
When their energy levels are feeling low, Extraverts get them back up by thriving off their friends and their environment, whereas Introverts need some time alone to recharge.
Intuitives like to try new things and daydream about their future, whereas Sensors live in the present and prefer to do things they know they enjoy.
When making a decision, Feelers take into account their own emotions and those of other people, whereas Thinkers try to consider only objective facts.
Judgers enjoy having a plan and feel more relaxed once they have made a decision, whereas Perceivers go with the flow and prefer to keep their options open as long as possible.
Want to take the quiz again?
For the most useful results, we recommend that you only take the quiz every 6 months or so. You've taken the quiz 1 time, and the profile above is based on the last quiz you took which was on 8 December 2023.