Back Pre-16: what options are there after school?
Started thinking about what to do when you leave school, but not sure what your options are or where to start looking? In this series for pre-16 students, you’ll hear from the experts on what your options are after GCSEs. We’ll be talking about what university is, what an apprenticeship is, and busting some common myths about both. For parents and caregivers, this series is ideal for learning how to support your child in finding out about their options.

Myth busting university
For students
Thinking about going to university but don’t think you can afford it or get the right grades? Not really sure what you can study at university? This session led by the universities of Exeter, Creative Arts and London South Bank, will bust some common myths about university and provide information about research you can start doing now!

What are apprenticeships?
For students
Not sure what apprenticeships are or what a day in the life of an apprentice looks like? Sign up to this webinar to hear from professional experts from Ricoh, the Woodland Trust and KPMG to better understand what an apprenticeship is, how you can find out more about them, and hear from a current apprentice to see if they would be right for you after school!

Parents and caregivers session: pre-16 research into options after school
For parents/guardians
Not sure on your child’s options after school? Think university is too expensive, or not sure where to start looking for apprenticeships? Join experts from the University of Bradford, Unilever and the National Saturday Club to find out about what early research your child can do, and things to consider when weighing up their options.